Leucocoprinus gongylophorus Gardening with Ants

Leucocoprinus gongylophorus is an extraordinary fungus that plays a vital role for leafcutter ants. These ants, named for the leaves they carry like tiny parasols above their heads, rely on the fungus as their primary food source. Together, they form a unique ecosystem that represents one of the oldest forms of agriculture on Earth.

How leafcutter ants became farmers

Leafcutter ants are true agricultural pioneers. They cut leaves from plants and carry them back to their nest. Inside the nest, the leaf material is used to cultivate the fungus Leucocoprinus gongylophorus. This fungus breaks down the leaves and produces nutrients that the ants consume. The ant colony tends to the fungus as if it were a crop: they maintain the right temperature and humidity in the nest and remove harmful parasites.

Underground fungal gardens

The nests of leafcutter ants are natural marvels. Underground, the ants construct extensive fungal gardens where Leucocoprinus gongylophorus thrives. This system is entirely dependent on cooperation: without the fungus, the ants would starve, and without the ants, the fungus could not survive.

The importance of collaboration

This fungus and the leafcutter ants together form one of the most complex partnerships in nature. Their relationship demonstrates how organisms can collaborate to survive. Furthermore, their cooperation provides valuable insights for scientists, such as in the fields of sustainable agriculture and ecosystems.

See Leucocoprinus gongylophorus in action

Would you like to witness this unique collaboration up close? Visit ARTIS-Micropia and discover Leucocoprinus gongylophorus for yourself. Watch how leafcutter ants cultivate their fungal gardens like true farmers and be inspired by the fascinating world of microbes.

Learn more about microbes

Leucocoprinus gongylophorus is just one of the many microscopic organisms you can explore at ARTIS-Micropia. Each organism plays a unique role in nature – visit us and experience it for yourself!