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What is Planetary Health?

Everything is connected. To take care of our planet, is to take care of ourselves. Because nothing can be healthy, in an unhealthy world.

Yet our actions have led to a sharp decline in the health of our planet. While together with all other life on Earth, we share only one home. Can we live in harmony with everything else on our planet?

A livable world for future generations

Life on Earth has been evolving for billions of years. Modern humans have only been roaming it for 300,000 years. Industrial and technological progress has made us increasingly distant from nature. Even though we are part of it. A part that has a huge impact on the health of our planet. With all the consequences that come with it: climate change, species extinction and shortages of fertile soil and freshwater. To truly understand and address these challenges, requires massive collaboration. Cooperation that goes beyond the boundaries of professional disciplines and borders. To realise a livable world for future generations. 

This is Planetary Health

A social movement where science, politics, business and citizens act together to achieve fundamental changes. For preserving biodiversity, protecting the environment and our food supply and healthcare. Where knowledge and expertise are exchanged across disciplines. Where we work together to secure a healthy planet for all generations to come.