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Taking action on Planetary Health

In this lecture series, you discover your relationship with nature and human's impact on the planet. Let your imagination run wild and ask yourself the question: what kind of world do I really want to live in?

Nothing can be healthy, in an unhealthy world. That is why it is so important to know how far-reaching the implications of human actions are. During this lecture series, you will look at the wide-ranging topic of Planetary Health over six evenings with different guest speakers. On the final evening, VU students will present their ideas for a healthy planet. Will you join us in this good cause? 

buy your ticket   the programme

what lecture series
when Tuesday 5, 12, 19 and 26 September and 3, 10 and 17 October
where Collegezaal
what time 7 - 9 pm (walk-in 6.30 pm)
language English
price regular: €125
students: €100
members: €75